jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

de México al extranjero..../from Mexico to a foreign country

Some of our dogs/cats get adopted far away from the tropical weather they were born into.
From the hot sunny streets of Cozumel, where they were rescued by volunteers that brought them to the Humane Society, where they get clean from ticks, fleas (and other things), they get dewormed, vaccinated, feed, hug, to a completely differet weather, I would say "yay! no more ticks :D"
No matter where a pet is adopted, the important thing is they get a forever HOME with responsible owners :)


Algunos de nuestros perros/gatos se adoptan lejos del clima tropical en el que nacieron.
De las soleadas calles de Cozumel, de donde son rescatados por voluntarios que los llevan a la Sociedad Humanitaria, donde se les limpia de garrapatas, pulgas (y otras cosas), se les desparasita, se les vacuna, se les alimenta y se les da cariño, a un clima completamente diferente, Yo diría "¡viva! no más garrapatas :D"
Dónde quiera que se adopte una mascota, lo importante es que tengan un HOGAR con dueños responsables :)

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